Saturday, November 15, 2014

Inspirational Writings (non-fiction)


Inspirational Writings


By Harold Manning


Inspirational Writings
Chapter Outline

Mission of Hunger                                                                                                    
Chapter 1 – You Are Not Alone                                                                               
            An Invitation of Friendship from Jesus                                                          
            An Intimate Message from God to You                                                         
            Three Steps on Building a Personal Relationship with God                          
            Friendly Gesture                                                                                             
           Phenomenal Friend in Jesus                                                                            
Chapter 2 – The Significance of Prayer                                                                 
            Confess and Repent to Receive Mercy                                                        
            A Prayer Life                                                                                                
            Our Prayer:  What’s it For?                                                                          
            Stand in the Gap and Pray for Others                                                           
            Ten Elements of Unanswered Prayers                                                          
            Along the Way                                                                                              
Chapter 3 – Spiritual Growth                                                                                
            The Holy Spirit Performs                                                                              
            Finding all the Gifts                                                                                      
            Practical Methods for Renewing your Mind                                                
            What is Faith?                                                                                               
            A Test of Faith                                                                                                                         
            As a Man Thinketh, so is He                                                                       
Chapter 4 – Divine Character                                                                               
            A Changed Heart                                                                                         
            A Forgiving Heart                                                                                       
            A Thankful Heart                                                                                        
            A Giving Heart                                                                                            
            A Heart for Others                                                                                       
            A Fatal Purity                                                                                              
Chapter 5 – Profound Words                                                                                 
            Your Words have Power                                                                             
            Proverbs on Words                                                                                      
            Encouraging Words of Hope                                                                       
            Mystery Words of Truth                                                                             
            Blissful Words                                                                                             
Chapter 6 – Love is the Water of Life                                                                  
            The Greatest Love                                                                                        
            God’s Love and Ours                                                                                   
            Blessings of Love                                                                                         
            Grace and Truth Signifies Love                                                                   
            Arm of Love                                                                                                
            So Much Love                                                                                                         
Chapter 7 - A Look Inside                                                                                     
            Everything Happens for a Reason                                                               
            The Saboteur Within                                                                                   
            Listening to the Inner Voice                                                                     
            Patience is More Than Just a Virtue                                                         
            I Must Grow                                                                                              
Chapter 8 – Live and Learn                                                                                
            Consider Wisdom                                                                                      
            Recognizing True Leadership                                                                               
            Four Agreements                                                                                       
            In His Presence                                                                                           
Chapter 9 – The Road of Life                                                                             
            When Life Becomes Overwhelming                                                         
            God’s Plans / Purpose for your Life                                                         
            Living Life Aligned with your Purpose                                                     
            Embrace Life                                                                                              
            Instructions for Life                                                                                   
            Life Blessings                                                                                             
The Conclusion of the Matter                                                                               
            Christian One Liners for the Soul                                                              
             Thirty Three Reflections for the Soul                                                                   
             Prayers for the Soul                                                                                   
             Inner Peace for the Soul                                                                            
You Say . . . God Says . . .                                                                                    


“Inspirational Writings” is written from a Christian perspective.  Its goal is to impart life to its readers by helping the reader:
*     Realize he / she is not alone
*     Draw closer to God
*     Develop a Prayer Life
*     Examine his / her heart
*     Embrace words of hope
*     Live life in an environment of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF-CONTROL (See Galatians 5:22-23)
I hope this book will be a source of inspiration and spiritual awakening / guidance for you.  ENJOY!
Harold Manning is a native of Bakersfield, California and is currently incarcerated.  As a devout Christian, he spends his time encouraging others, writing poetry and inspirational books.


Chapter 1 – You Are Not Alone . . . Have you ever felt like you are alone in this world of despair?  Many people do.  Though they do not recognize it, we are not.  When you feel pain from loss, it is only for a little while.  When you are down and out and don’t feel like going on, something always happens to give us strength and hope.
We never willingly recognize our loneliness, we just imagine it.  We are of the world and therefore think in the world.  Some are able to rise above this and recognize that we are not alone.  There has always been someone there when we feel this way.  It is in each of us to seek it out and see that we are indeed not alone.  We never have been nor ever will be!

There exists in us, a need for a relationship and the absence of that relationship leaves a void unless filled by God.  I encourage you to let God keep you company.  God loves you and will not abandon you.  He will be with you in your darkest, loneliest moments.  Just give Him a chance.

An Invitation of Friendship from Jesus

“Welcome, I have invited you here because I want to be your friend.  In fact, I am already your
friend, though you may not know that now.

Do not be put off.  I know sometimes you are afraid of friendship.  Many of you have been hurt by friendship.  I know that.  I also understand, believe Me, I do.  You see, I had Judas in my life.  But really that did not hurt as much as the others who ran away when the heat came down.  I continued to love them anyway . . . because I knew they were in pain and because their friendship was so important to Me. 

I think some of you have run from Me too.  I still love you and I am still your friend.  I want to spend this time with you.  I know it is scary to try to put a friendship back together but it is worth it.  Please give it a chance.

Do not be afraid.  I am not here to judge you or even criticize you.  I just want us to try to rebuild the bridge that has broken down between us.

It will be a challenge but please give it a chance.  Know that you are not alone and are supported by the prayers and love of hundreds of my friends from around the world.”


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